Tuesday 7 May 2013

How can malware infect my iPhone?

Malware can deeply infect our iPhone, which may lead to you for a good iPhone support. But the more complex question is to find where the virus came from.  First, let’s start with the operating system, iOS.  According to Apple.com, iOS contains built-in security from the moment the device is first used, including low-level hardware and firmware to protect against viruses and high-level QS features to secure access to personal and business information.  It is recommended that a passcode lock be set to protect your data when an app requests information from a calendar or contacts list, for example, or other personal or business info.  While no operating system is totally invulernable to security threats, the consensus is that iOS is the safest operating system currently available for mobile devices.

Virus attacks are almost certain to come from other sources, such as email, internet usage and apps.  The manufacturer ensures the same level of security for the apps purchased through Apple only.  Any other app should be researched for any known or published security issues before being installed.  Read more....

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